The Woods <> El Bosque

The Woods
One of my fishing trips was very interesting. It wasn't because of the fish I caught but something I came to find in my path. It is a beautiful poem named The Woods and that's how I decided to take the pix for you to enjoy it as well. There is no reference as who wrote it, or who build the site with the verses printed (burned) on the wood planks and placed there.

They say the forest is enchanted; but to tell you the truth, I've been in the area on several occasions and I have never seen a shadow. You may feel something but don't trust your feelings. Maybe those chills are just the cold draught moving swiftly through the quiet woods as witnessing a distant past when the British troops attempt to expel American invaders.

It happened back in time to to March 4, 1814. The British lost the battle to the Americans, and the wounded were taken to Delaware. The Americans left the field leaving the dead and the wounded behind them. The actual location of the battle is unknown as today.
Battle of Longwoods - Battle Hill

I am the heat of your hearth
On cold winter nights
The shade screening you
From the summer sun
My fruits are the refreshing draughts
Quenching your thirst as you journey on

I am the beam that holds your house
The board of your table
The bed on which you lie
And the timber that builds your boat

I am the handle of your hoe
The door of your homestead,
The wood of your craddle
And the shell of your coffin

As you pass me by,
Listen to my prayer,
And harm me not

Soy el calor de tu hogar
En las frias noches invernales
La sombra que te protege
Del sol de verano
Y mis frutos son la bebida refrescante
que calma tu sed en tu recorrido.

Soy la viga que sostiene tu casa
El tablero de tu mesa
La cama en que tu te acuestas
Y la madera con que construyes tu navio

Soy el agarradero de tu azadon
La puerta de tu morada
La madera de tu cuna
Y la armazon de tu ataud.

Cuando pases por aca
Escucha mi oracion
Y no me hagas daño


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