El Palacio y las Palomas


Once there was a king whose palace had been ransacked by the wild hordes. For the wood and stone of the palace he had no tears, but for the crown jewels, passed down for many generations, for this there was no consolation.

The king gathered his wise men, but none could give counsel. The jewels had been spread by those barbarian hordes throughout the land and throughout many other lands, the most precious of them taken across the seas to the farthest reaches of the globe. But the king had a daughter very dear to him, and in her wisdom she saw what needed to be done.

So the king and his daughter trained many pigeons to return to the palace, to recognize the crown jewels and carry them back on their journey. Each day they would release the pigeons in the pastures about the palace and some would discover the jewels scattered about and return them to their home. And the king was glad and smiled to his daughter.

Then the king's daughter sent them further away, and again they returned, carrying a few more of the jewels her father had lost. As far away as they were sent, they hastily returned.

But the most valuable jewels, those in the most distant lands and most hidden places, those jewels had not yet been recovered. The pigeons did not venture far enough to find them--they were too eager to return home.

The king's daughter knew what must be done, but she could not tell her father, for it was too hard, too dangerous, too awful. But he looked in her eyes and he knew. And so he destroyed his palace once again, razing it to the ground, removing its every trace. When the pigeons attempted to return, they found nothing, no more than an empty pasture with scattered stones and smoldering wood. They were hungry for their food and sick for their home.

Until the most adventurous of the pigeons traveled far abroad and found other palaces, and in those palaces they found hidden the king's most precious jewels, and gathered them and polished them and kept them in their wings. And at night they cried, for they knew this was not their home.

And now has come the time for them to all return.

I can't explain to you everything meant by this story. If I could, what would I need a story for? I would just explain it to you without the story. But I can tell you some of the teachings that form its basis.

For one, you need to know what the great Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, known as the Ari Hakadosh ("The Holy Lion"), taught about our world. He taught that there is not a thing in this world that does not contain a holy spark. Even the greatest evil, even the harshest darkness that does everything it can to oppose its Creator and deny any purpose or goodness in the world, even that contains a Divine spark. And it needs that spark, because without it, it would not be able to exist for even a moment. Why then is it evil? Because the spark it contains is so dim, so concealed, its only way of expression is to be the opposite of what it truly is.

So you might think that if that spark is so dim, it couldn't be a very important spark. Maybe G-d could do without it. But the Maggid of Mezritch taught just the opposite, that it is the highest sparks that fall furthest from their source. So in places that are warm and friendly to holiness, there are going to be some warm and friendly sparks. But if you want the most powerful sparks, the sparks that talk about the real essence of G-d, then you need to deal with the places that are furthest from their source.

As long as all these sparks are held hostage in things and places that don't know the real meaning of what they hold inside, the world is not fulfilled. That is how the Ari describes Torah and Jews-- they are the way those sparks become reconnected to their source.

There is one other thing I would like to say about this story-- the rest I will leave to you. In our history, the pattern of destruction and exile has repeated itself many times. We began in exile, in the land of Egypt. Then there was the destruction of the first Holy Temple and exile to Babylonia, and then the second destruction and a very lengthy exile which we still endure. There is no other nation that has been spread so far apart, yet retained identity as a single whole, always with hope to return. And all of it was part of His Divine plan, to retrieve all the sparks of holiness. Which is what we did, because wherever we go, we use the materials, the foods, the music, the customs of that place in a Torah way.

But as far as I am concerned, the greatest destruction and the greatest exile began sixty years ago. Because, until then, if a Jewish person was looking for a teacher and a guide to find his or her path to G-d, or just looking for some spirituality in life, there were tzaddikim just around the corner, and everyone knew that was so. But when the communities of Europe were suddenly and brutally destroyed, along with all but a handful of the great tzaddikim, that is when the greatest darkness began. That is when this bizarre detour began, that if a Jewish soul wants to find meaning, she goes to drink from the wells of others. True, she will never be satisfied from those wells, since they are not her own. But a soul that lived for 3,300 years basking in spirituality simply cannot bear the dry, parched land.

And, unfathomable as it may be, that had purpose as well.

But now has come the time for us to all return home.

El Niño Venció al Gigante

"El Niño Venció al Gigante"

La palabra Toldot se explica de dos formas: a) descendencia, hijos. b) buenas acciones, como dice el Midrash: "lo trascendental de la progenie -hijos- de los Tzadikim(justos) son su Torá y Mitzvot". Nos dice aquí la Torá: ¿En mérito a qué tuvo Itzjak TOLDOT (descendencia y buenas acciones)?. En virtud a que "Abraham concibió a Itzjak", es decir, debido al mérito de Abraham Avinu.

Analicemos la clase de educación que brindó Abraham a su hijo. Itzjak fue el primero en ser circuncidado a los 8 días, y también el primero en asumir su mayoría de edad religiosa, Bar Mitzvá. Ambos acontecimientos están señalados por nuestros Sabios en el versículo "Abraham llevó a cabo un gran banquete el día en que Itzjak fue desmamado". Este se refiere al día del Brit Milá y también al día de Bar Mitzvá.

Todos los Prominentes

De este gran banquete participaron todos los personajes notables y famosos de la generación, entre ellos Og el gigante, rey de Bashán, y gobernantes de la época. El Midrash relata que Og se burló públicamente del festejo, diciendo que "podía aplastar a Itzjak, su único hijo, sólo con un dedo". Dijo Di-s en ese momento a Og: "Te aseguro que verás a cientos de miles de sus descendientes, y finalmente caerás en sus manos"

Esta confrontación marca la senda del judío. La agresión contra el judío se desató a partir del momento que refleja la singularidad del iehudí- el día del Brit Milá (circuncisión), cuando comienza la unión incondicional con Di-s- y el día del Bar Mitzvá, momento en el cual la persona recibe su "ietzer hatov" -instinto del bien- saliendo del dominio absoluto del instinto del mal. Entonces se yergue frente al judío "el gran mundo" y le dice: "puedo aplastarte con un dedo".

Hacer Frente al Mundo

El poderoso Og se para frente a Abraham, que aparentemente está solo en su nuevo camino. Es llamado Abraham "HEBREO" -el que viene del otro lado (de la orilla) ya que estaba enfrentado ideológicamente a todos. Mientras él creía en un solo Di-s, todo el mundo era idólatra. ¿Qué posibilidades tenía Abraham de resistir frente a todos? Y a pesar de ello no se intimidó. Difundió a los cuatro vientos la fe en el "Di-s del Universo". Enseñó que toda la existencia misma del mundo es una demostración de la fuerza Divina, y "no hay nada fuera de El".

El Mensaje se Transmite

Debido a esta actitud que asume Abraham, de no permitir que nadie lo intimide, aunque lo superen en fuerza, número o poderío, Hashem le promete que "cientos de miles" seguirán su camino y finalmente sus oponentes caerán en manos de sus hijos. Esto es lo que representa el hecho de que Abraham engendró a Itzjak, y con esa fuerza tuvo TOLDOT, siguió y transitó el camino del judaísmo en el camino.

Tenemos que saber que "lo que sucedió a nuestros patriarcas es una señal para sus descendientes". La fuerza de Abraham pasa como legado también a nosotros. Tenemos la fortaleza de no impresionarnos por las adversidades del mundo y seguir dedicando tiempo al estudio de la Torá y el cumplimiento de las Mitzvot. Y preparar al mundo para la llegada de la Redención Completa, el advenimiento del Mashíaj.

(Likutei Sijot, tomo 1, pag 45)

High places

25 That night the Lord said to
him, "Take your father's bull, the
second bull seven years old, and pull
down the altar of Ba'al which your
father has, and cut down the Ashe'rah
that is beside it; 26 and build an
altar to the Lord your God on the
top of the strong hold here, with
stones laid in due order; then take
the second bull, and offer it as a
burnt offering with the wood of the
Ashe'rah which you shall cut down" Judg. 6

The eternal God

Ellos dicen que Jesús es Dios
Ellos dicen que Jesús es el unigénito de Dios
Ellos hablan de un dios triuno (dios de tres cabezas)
Y otros dicen solo Jesús (dios de una cabeza)

Puede Dios morir, o puede solo una parte de Dios morir?
La respuesta es no-no. Dios no muere pues Dios es eterno.
Y si Jesucristo es Dios, esto simplemente nos indica que
cuando Jesucristo murió, Dios dejo de existir por tres días.



Son muchos los mesías que podríamos nombrar incluyendo Jesús de Nazareth, Shabbtai Tzvi, y Bar Cochba.

Abraham planto un árbol de roble en Beersheba, y allí invoco el nombre de el Dios eterno.
Genesis 21

Rollos del Mar Muerto – Palabras que cambiaron el mundo

Rollos del Mar Muerto – Palabras que cambiaron el mundo. La exhibición ha sido creada por la Autoridad de Antigüedades de Israel y el Museo Real de Ontario. Los Rollos del Mar Muerto desentierran la intrigante historia de su descubrimiento. http://www.rom.on.ca/scrolls/index.php

Basándose en el fragmento mostrado, los estudiosos creían que el libro contenía el texto de una bendición, hasta que descubrieron más. Otras cuevas contenían múltiples copias del Libro de Guerra, que incluye la bendición de ceremonias para ser recitada en la comunidad de sobrevivientes de Israel después de la batalla final en el final de los tiempos. La bendición describe cómo Dios hará que el universo produzca fecundidad y va a prevenir las enfermedades y la destrucción por los animales salvajes y plagas.

Las bendiciones

La bendición entremezcla frases familiares de la Biblia, incluyendo una paráfrasis de Números 6: 24-25, "Que el Señor te bendiga y te guarde; que el Señor haga brillar su rostro sobre ti." El Libro de Guerra describe en detalle la guerra apocalíptica entre las fuerzas del bien y del mal, "los hijos de la luz contra los hijos de las tinieblas".

"Su grandeza exaltada brille eternamente a la paz, bendiciones, gloria, alegría, y larga vida a los Hijos de la Luz".
Fuente: http://www.rom.on.ca/scrolls/scrollsdisplay6.php

Numerosos Rollos del Mar Muerto ilustran la creencia en la presencia de dos mesías, un rey descendiente de David y un sacerdote descendiente de Aaron, vendría a guiar a los justos para prevalecer sobre el mal. Los primeros cristianos creían que Jesús iba a servir, tanto como rey y sacerdote. De acuerdo con este rollo, el Mesías gobernará el cielo y la Tierra; la liberación de los cautivos, los ciegos recuperan la vista, y la resurrección de los muertos serán las señales de su llegada. - Apocalipsis Mesiánico


Este manuscrito, erróneamente llamado Libro de Guerra, es muy himno similar a los Salmos de Acción de Gracias.

Los rollos, una mezcla de textos bíblicos y no bíblicos fueron escritos en pergamino de cuero y papiro, entre los años 250 aC y 70 dC, son las copias más antiguas de las Escrituras hebreas. La mayoria de los rollos han sido escritos en hebreo, y otros en Arameo y algunos son 1.000 años más antiguos que cualquiera de los textos previamente conocidos.

Algunas teorías explican que los rollos fueron escritos por un asentamiento judío en Qumrán, los cuales coexistieron en la misma época que existió Jesús. En los manuscritos no existe mención de el o de sus discípulos.

Tradicionalmente, la gente judía vive en la espera de la llegada de la Era Messíanica, durante la cual paz universal sera establecida en la tierra de acuerdo con la visión de los profetas de Israel. El término "moshiach" literalmente significa "el ungido" y refiere a la anciente practica de ungir reyes con aceite cuando ellos tomaban posesión del trono.

El concepto Messía o Moshiach es Judío, y ha sido usado y distorsionado por muchos grupos religiosos y agrupaciones místicas. "Moshiach" no significa "salvador", la noción de un ser divino el cual se sacrificara el mismo para redimirnos de nuestros propios pecados es un dogma cristiano y que no tiene ninguna base en el pensamiento judio.

El concepto cristiano está profundamente enraizado en la palabra "mesías" la cual es una palabra que no puede ser usada para referirse al concepto judio.

Challa - Hallah bread

Most bread can be braided to give the loaves a festive appearence. Challah or Hallah, the traditional Jewish white bread, is often braided and eaten on the Sabbath and holidays. Rich with eggs and flavoured with honey, it is braided into oval loaves and topped with poppy or sesame seeds. Hallah is excellent for sandwiches.

It is a tradition to begin the Sabbath and holidays with a blessing over two loaves of bread. In biblical times law required Jews to share a portion of their bread with the priests. Today when challah is eaten, a portion of it is burned in remembrance of this law.
Yield: 2 Large loaves
Honey: 6 oz.
Salt: 1 Tbsp.
Bread flour: 1 lb. 12 oz.
Active dry yeast: 1/2 oz.
Water, warm: 14 oz.
Eggs: 4
Unsalted butter, melted: 4 oz. (A blend of olive oil is ok)
Egg wash: as needed
Sesame or poppy seeds: as needed
1. Stir together the honey, salt and 8 ounces (225 grams) of flour in a mixer bowl. Add the yeast, water, eggs and butter. Stir until smooth.
2. Using the dough, knead the dough on second speed, adding the remaining flour 2 ounces (60 grams) at a time until smooth and elastic.
3. Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover and let rise until doubled, approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
4. Punch down the dough and separate* it into 2 equal portions. Roll each portion into three long strips, about 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) in diameter and 12 inches (30 centimeters) long. Lay 3 strips side by side and braid. Pinch the ends together and tuck them under the loaf. Place the loaf on a paper-lined sheet pan. Braid the 3 remaining pieces of dough in the same manner.
5. Brush the loaves with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds. Proof until doubled, approximately 40 minutes.

6. Bake at 350F (170C) until the loaves are golden brown and sound hollow when thumped, approximately 40 minutes.

*When you separate the dough, it is a tradition to recite a blessing.
How to braid a six strand Hallah video here.

A ravenous wolf - Blessings to Beenjamin's tribe

"Benjamin is a ravenous wolf,
in the morning devouring the prey,
and at even dividing the spoil."
Blessings to Benjamin, one of the twelve tribes of Israel (Jacob).
Tribe of Benjamin

Facts about Benjamin's tribe - Left-handed warriors:
Messages from God are also delivered with the left hand
Left-handed 1
Left-handed 2
Left-handed 3

The etymology of the name Benjamin is a matter of dispute, though most agree that it is composed of two parts - ben and jamin - the former meaning son of. The literal translation of Benjamin is son of right (as opposed to left), generally interpreted as meaning son of my right hand, though sometimes interpreted as son of the right side; being associated with the right hand side was traditionally a reference to strength and virtue (cf sinester, which derives from the latin for left).

This is, however, not the only literal translation, as the root for right is identical to that for south, hence Benjamin also literally translates as son of the south; this meaning is advocated by several classical rabbinical sources, which argue that it refers to the birth of Benjamin in Canaan, as compared with the birth of all the other sons of Jacob in Aram. Modern scholars have instead proposed that, with the eponymous Benjamin being just a metaphor, son of the south/son of the right are references to the tribe coming into existence in a geographic situation respect to the more dominant tribe of Ephraim.

In the Samaritan Pentateuch, the name is consistently written with a terminal mem, making it Benjamim, and would literally translate as son of days; some classical rabbinical literature argues that this was the original form of the name and was a reference to the old age of Jacob when Benjamin was born.

Benjamin is the second son of Jacob and Rachel, and his line of descendants are inclined to warfare. King Saul, the first king of Israel was a direct descendant of the lineage of Benjamin.

El águila - Una historia de compasión

Hace mucho tiempo, las personas vivían en una tierra con muchos lagos, en el bosque vivían muchos animales, ahí había venados, alces, y el caribou a los cuales los cazadores cazaban para alimentarse y con las pieles confeccionaban mocasines, ropa y cubiertas para sus viviendas y así poder protegerse de los elementos. Los lagos eran el hábitat de toda clase de peces, patos, gansos y loons los cuales nadaban en sus aguas. La gente era muy fuerte y sus enemigos les temían y respetaban, y existía paz en toda la tierra. La vida era muy buena y todos los moradores eran felices.

Los visito un cruel invierno el cual llegó muy temprano; hacía mucho frío en la tierra, la nieve era profunda que llegaba hasta la cintura de los cazadores. La Primavera llegó y lo último de la nieve se derritió. El verano trajo mucha lluvia y los lagos y ríos empezaron a invadir las riveras. Ellos sabían que la temporada de lluvias se terminaría pronto; pero las lluvias no cesaron ni siquiera por un momento y el cielo permaneció oscuro por mucho tiempo. Las rugientes aguas aumentaron más y más alto, y la gente tuvo que buscar tierras más altas para refugiarse, pero todo fue en vano ya que el agua continuo inundando todo a su paso incluyendo los montes altos. La gente tuvo que escapar de la gran inundación, y los animales se desplazan a un lugar mucho más alto para escapar. Los alimentos cada vez fueron más escasos de obtener, y todas sus pertenencias incluyendo las armas de caza se perdieron en la inundación. No había madera seca para hacer fuego y poder calentarse, y pronto la gente empezó a enfermarse, y así la gente comenzó a morirse de hambre y frío. Los ancianos y los débiles fueron los primeros en morir ya que eran demasiado débiles para luchar contra el hambre y los elementos. No había medicina para sanar a los enfermos, ya que también se perdieron en la inundación.

Desde el norte llegó un furioso y vengativo viento, azotando las intrusivas aguas en un espíritu oscuro que tratava de capturar a las personas que escapavan a un lugar más alto. Pero todos sus esfuerzos fueron en vano porque las furiosas aguas los comenzo a arrastrar a sus profundidades las cuales se convirtieron en sus tumbas. Pronto, las crecientes aguas se tragaron a todos los habitantes de la tierra.

Sin embargo, fue una mujer el unico humano que logró escapar de la inundación. Ella estaba sola, con hambre y frío. Cubierta con mucha angustia y dolor ella lloró por la pérdida de su familia y compañeros de su aldea. Los fuertes vientos comenzaron a marcharse y una suave y apacible brisa visitó la tierra. Y el sol se lucia en el cielo y bañaba la tierra con suave calor, y una vez más la tierra comenzó a sanar por si misma. Debilitada por la tristeza, la doncella cayó en un profundo sueño y durmió por muchos días.

La gran inundación se marchó, pero a su paso solo dejó muerte y miseria. Arboles quebrados y arrancados cubrían las laderas de los valles y montañas. Ella nunca se olvidaría que la inundación le había quitado a su familia, su madre y su padre, sus hermanos y hermana. La doncella comenzó a llorar, y su lamento era fuerte, tan fuerte que los animales que regresaban se detenían por un instante para escuchar su lamentación. La doncella no abandono la colina, y el dolor y la soledad creció más grande en su corazón cada día.

Ella tuvo un sueño; y soñó que su ser amado llego para salvarle la vida, que le había salvado la vida. Por la mañana al despertar de su sueño, la doncella se dio cuenta que un águila se encontraba posando sobre una roca cercana. Era un ave muy grande, su plumaje era café oscuro, sus plumas mas parecían doradas como resemblando el brillo del sol reflejado en la hiriente hoja afilada. La doncella sintió temor por la presencia del águila, porque ella sabía que el águila es un gran cazador con poderosas garras capaces de rasgar la carne de sus huesos, y además no tenía forma de defenderse. Sin embargo, al darse cuenta del suave marrón de los ojos del águila, ella se sintió atraída por el águila. Fue una atracción que surgió cuando el águila miraba a ella con curiosidad e interés. Inmediatamente la doncella consideró que el águila no significa ningún peligro para ella.

Entonces el águila habló, “He visto tu llanto, ¿por qué estás triste? Puedo ver que tu estás sola".

Ella respondió: "Mi familia se ha ido, mi gente se ha ido, todos, sus vidas fueron tomadas por la gran inundación. Todo, lo hemos perdido todo, nuestros hogares, nuestras armas, nuestras chozas, nada permanece, solo mi dolor y tristeza lo cual me consume día y la noche."

El águila respondió a la bella doncella, "Entonces yo seré tu amigo, dime qué puedo hacer por ti mi querida amiga?"

En su lamento ella respondió, "Usted no puede hacer nada, estoy sola, y voy a morir sola!" El águila dijo: "Eso no es cierto, mira a tu alrededor. Tus amigos los de cuatro patas, los alados como yo y los rastreadores, todos estamos aquí y tu no estás sola".

Todo lo que ella quería era morir, y así ella expresó sus deseos al águila, pero sus palabras no fueron de importancia para el águila. Él le dijo que si ella muere, entonces no habrá más seres humanos en toda la faz de la tierra y todo el terreno permanecería vacío y gradualmente todo se iría desvaneciendo y las tinieblas cubrirían la tierra y que eso no puede suceder.

Ella le preguntó, "¿Adónde vas, también me vas a abandonar?"

Él respondió: "Me marcho sólo para encontrar y traerte algo de comida, voy a volver a tu lado, no estarás sola." Él águila extendió sus alas majestuosas y volo muy alto hasta perderse en la lejania del cielo.

El águila regresó con un gran pez, este era un salmón. Ella le dijo que no podría comer el pescado crudo y que necesitaría cocinarlo para poder comérselo. El águila le preguntó que es lo que ella necesitaba para cocinar y ella le dijo que algo de madera y pasto seco seria suficiente para hacer un fuego, por lo que el águila voló rápidamente y, a su regreso trajo ramas y hiervas secas para que la doncella pudiese encandilar el fuego. Ella encendió el fuego y una vez el pescado estaba cocido, ella comenzó a comer.

El águila solo la miraba con curiosidad desde una roca lejos del fuego, pues tenía miedo del fuego. Él le dijo que su clase era extraña pues tenían que hacer algo muy poderoso para crear fuego y cocinar sus alimentos, ya que los de cuatro patas y los alados no tienen la necesidad de tal cosa. Ella le dijo al águila que el fuego no sólo es útil para la cocción de alimentos, sino que también sirve para ahuyentar las tinieblas de la noche, y que también es bueno para mantenerse caliente durante el tiempo que hace frío. Con este conocimiento, el águila voló de nuevo para reunir más madera seca y la comenzó a juntar cerca de ella para que así ella pudiera mantener su fuego durante toda la noche.

Por la mañana, ella se despertó y se dio cuenta que el águila se había ido, pero él antes de marcharse le había dejado suficiente leña para mantener vivo su fuego. La tibieza del fuego parecía aliviar su soledad, y ella estaba muy agradecida por la ayuda que el águila le había proporcionado. La mañana avanzaba, y ella comenzó a preguntarse si el águila la había abandonado, y así la soledad comenzó a agobiar su alma.

Hacia el mediodía, el águila volvió y esta vez tenía un cordero en sus garras, y le dio el cordero a ella. Y así, ella cocinó el cordero, mientras que el águila la miraba con gran asombro. Luego el águila le dijo, "Hay un valle a poca distancia de aquí, en la dirección de donde el sol se esconde, y sería un buen lugar para construir un albergue pues este lugar está protegido de los fríos vientos, y un arroyo corre en la cercanía."

Ella le contestó fríamente: "Yo me encuentro aquí, y voy a permanecer aquí en este lugar, voy a construir mi choza aquí si es que quiero construir un albergue."

El águila pudo ver que ella todavía se aferraba a su tristeza, y que siempre sería así porque había perdido a todos los de su clase en la gran inundación. El no ha visto a nadie como ella desde que la inundación azotó la tierra cada vez que el surcaba el cielo en busca de un remanente de sobrevivientes, pero al parecer ella fue la última de su clase.

El águila voló sobre muchas montañas, lagos y valles, pero no había ninguna señal de alguien como ella. Día tras día el continuo llevando madera y alimentos. Y ella cada día ella se hacía más fuerte, y pronto ella tomó conciencia de su situación y comenzó a preocuparse por su apariencia; ella lavó su vestido, y también confecciono un peine con huesos de animal para peinar su cabello el cual lo había descuidado desde la inundación. Antes de la inundación ella era una de las más hermosas doncellas en el pueblo, muchos hombres habían visitado su pueblo para cortejarla, y ahora, por supuesto, ella era la mujer más bella en toda la tierra.

Un día, mientras la doncella se encontraba a la espera de que el águila regresara a su lado, ella subió a la cima de la colina, y miró a través del valle muchos lagos, y se dio cuenta de que todo el paisaje era verde. Todo era belleza en su alrededor.

Ella tenía un sueño de casarse y tener hijos, pero su sueño se desvaneció enseguida, ya que sabía que era la ultima de su clase en la tierra. Recuerdos de momentos felices se apoderaban de su alma y una vez más la tristeza llenaba su corazón.

Ella escuchó un ruido. Era el viento precipitándose bajo las alas del águila cuando este se deslizaba al suelo. Él aterrizó y la miro con admiración mientras escondía sus poderosas alas, y ella le dijo que él tiene el poder para calmar su soledad. Ella le dijo: "¿Qué voy a hacer ahora? Deseo ser un águila y así podría volar con usted y ya no seria el único ser de mi especie".

Me contestó: "Ven acercate a mí preciosa niña, sujétate fuerte de mis piernas que vamos a volar." Pronto ella se dio cuenta que los árboles, arroyos, montañas, lagos se miraban más pequeños, pero la tierra se hacía más grande. La vista fue increíble y ella se sentía feliz en compañía del águila. Una vez que regresaron a la colina ella le agradeció al águila por la oportunidad de hacerla sentir lo que es volar como un águila.

La amistad entre el águila y la doncella se hacía fuerte y más fuerte cada día, y ella se aventuraba a ir más y más lejos de su campamento, donde a veces ella delineaba imágenes de él en las rocas y cuevas. Pronto ella pensó en la construcción de una choza, y que la construiría en la cima de la colina. El águila estaba feliz al verla sonreír más a menudo. A pesar de que la doncella estaba feliz, el águila pudo ver todavía existía un matiz de tristeza en sus ojos.

Se acercaba el otoño y el invierno no se encontraba muy lejos, y la noche se hacía mas fría cada día, y el águila lo sabía, la choza tendría que ser construida muy pronto, o ella perecería en las frías noches invernales.

"Abuelo invocó el águila, tu que eres el más poderoso, ¿por qué no has visto su dolor?"

Y una voz respondió desde el cielo, "lo he visto, y es por eso por lo que te envié a su lado".

El águila respondió: "lo he hecho porque ella se encuentra sola y necesita ayuda. Sólo puedo proveerle alimento y madera, y no puedo darle lo que realmente necesita. Ella necesita a otros de su especie, ella necesita amor."

"Dime, voy a ayudarla de cualquier manera que pueda." fue el deseo del águila.

La voz respondió: "Tú eres un ser excelente, tienes el corazón más bondadoso entre todos los de tu pueblo, y mereces tu lugar en el Gran Círculo de la vida, solo unos pocos tienen tu poder. Y esto significaría renunciar a tus poderes si es que verdaderamente anhelas en tu corazón ayudar a esta doncella, y además seria difícil". El águila respondió: "No entiendo Abuelo". La voz volvió y dijo: "Para ayudarla tienes que convertirte en un ser de dos patas, en un humano. Si lo haces, tu nunca más surcaras los vientos. Nunca más volverás a ver la tierra desde muy por encima de las más altas montañas. La elección es tuya, porque tienes el don de convertirte en uno de su clase. Como hombre y mujer, los dos pueden dar la tierra más de su especie, y lo mejor de todo es que tienes mi bendición. O simplemente pueden quedarse tal como lo son hasta este momento".

Esa noche, el águila se sentó con la mujer en la cercanía del fuego, permaneció tranquilo, pero aun así pensaba en todas las opciones, tomando en cuenta todo. La mujer notó su raro silencio, y ella sabía que el águila estaba turbado ya que la llama de sus ojos había perdido su brillo. "¿Hay algo malo, o algo que te preocupa?.

"Sí, tengo que hacer un largo viaje. No hay mucho tiempo y que tengo que pensar en eso.", respondió.

"¿Va a regresar? No puedo soportar la idea de perderlo", dijo ella.

"Voy a regresar, pase lo que pase debes recordar que siempre seré tu amigo. Te traeré comida y más madera antes de partir". Él hizo que ella le prometiera que permanecería en la colina, y que no caminara muy lejos del campamento.

A la mañana siguiente ella subió a la cima de la colina, y veía el cielo. Muchos halcones volaban en círculos, y algunas águilas también. Ella se preguntaba cuál de todos esos puntos diminutos era su amigo. Día tras día, ella subía la montaña y allí esperaba fielmente por el regreso de su amigo. Pasaron muchos días y el águila no volvió.

Cuando el águila se marchó de la tierra, este surco el cielo más y mas, mucho más alto de lo que lo había hecho antes, y vio mucho más de la tierra, mucho de lo que nunca había visto antes. Mirando la tierra desde arriba, esta lucia impresionante que el águila deseó que esa imagen quedase grabada para siempre en su memoria.

"Abuelo, estoy aquí", clamo el águila. "Nieto, yo sé lo que hay en tu corazón. Has estado abrumado durante muchos días y noches. Sin embargo, has hecho una elección." respondió la voz.

"Sí, sé lo que debo hacer.", Dijo el águila. "La elección que has tomado es un camino en el que no puedes dar marcha atrás". declaró la voz.

El águila respondió: "Hay muchos de mi especie. Ella está sola, y es la última de su clase. Ella es la única. Esto no puede ser, y su clase no puede perecer con ella. La tierra y todo en ella se desvanecería y yo no puedo permitir que eso ocurra, y no veo ninguna otra forma ".

"Así sea! Y te digo esto, los humanos encontraran un lugar en su corazón para los de tu pueblo, ellos te miraran con mucho respeto". dijo la voz.

El verano estaba por terminarse. Una brisa fría descendió desde el norte viajando rápidamente a lo largo de la ladera de la colina. Esto no la detuvo para recolectar madera para su fuego. Y ella también siguió esperando y mirando al cielo buscando pacientemente la arribada de su ser amado, pero todavía no había rastro de él, él no había regresado.

Un día se escuchó una voz familiar, "Ya estoy aquí". Ella se dio vuelta y un apuesto joven salio desde detrás de una roca.

Asombrada, ella le pregunto, "¿Cómo puede ser esto? Pensé que todos habían muerto en la inundación, y que yo soy la ultima de mí clase"

"Eso es cierto", dijo el joven.

"Entonces de dónde vienes?" pregunto la doncella.

"Vengo del cielo", respondió.

La joven se sorprendió sin saber que decir, y no podía creer lo que veía. Sin embargo, era el águila, su voz era muy familiar. Tratando de entender, ella llegó más cerca de el joven, y miro en lo profundo de sus ojos marrones. "Recuerdas el día en que volamos juntos? Te tomé muy por encima de la tierra", dijo el joven.

"No puede ser", dijo.

"Yo te prometí volver, y lo he hecho por ti porque eres todo lo que siempre he amado, eres lo que mi corazón desea. ¿No estás feliz?", preguntó.

La doncella dejo caer la madera que ella tenia en sus brazos, y corrió hacia él para caer rendida en su abrazo, fue algo que ella quería hacer desde hace mucho tiempo. Cada vez que ella estaba cerca de él y a partir de ese momento ella se sentía como si ella se alzara por encima de las montañas y fueron muy felices.

Antes de que el invierno se instalara, ellos construyeron una choza, en la cercanía del bosque, y no paso mucho tiempo, ella estaba embarazada y se convirtió en madre a muchos niños. Una nueva raza de dos piernas.

Ella le narraba a sus hijos la historia de su padre y su sacrificio. A continuación, la historia le fue enseñada a sus hijos, y ellos a los suyos, y así sucesivamente la historia del gran sacrificio y compasión del águila para asegurar la supervivencia de la raza humana fue transmitida de generación a generación.

Por esta razón, las plumas de águila son sagradas para las primeras naciones, y hasta el día de hoy ellos veneran a las águilas, y cada vez que ven un águila lo reconocen y hacen una pausa y expresan su agradecimiento a sus familiares.

Una historia Lakota.

The Wolf and the Caribou

According to the textbooks, a wolf is a hunter, an animal of prey. But the Inuit, the people of the North, take a different view of it. They have their own idea of why the wolf was created.

In the beginning – so the legend says – there was a man and a woman, nothing else on the Earth walked or swam or flew. And so the woman dug a big hole in the ground and she started fishing in it. And she pulled out all of the animals. The last animal she pulled out was the caribou. The woman set the caribou free and ordered it to multiply. And soon the land was full of them.

And the people lived well and they were happy. But the hunters only killed those caribou that were big and strong. And soon all that was left were the weak and the sick. And the people began to starve.

And so the woman had to make magic again, and this time she called Amorak, the spirit of the wolf, to winnow out the weak and the sick, so that the herd would once again be strong. The people realized that the caribou and the wolf were one, for although the caribou feeds the wolf, it is the wolf that keeps the caribou strong.

So gaunt against the gibbous moon,
Piercing the silence velvet-piled,
A lone wolf howls his ancient rune
The fell arch-spirit of the Wild.

- Robert Service

Source: Aboriginal Canada

Hornby Island Bald Eagle Nest ¤ Live Streaming


Please note that the time/date display shows what time it is in British Columbia at the moment you are viewing the cam, not the time the action occurred. Depending how busy the internet is, you may see the action at slightly different times.


Löbo ¤ Wolf ¤ Wolves ¤ They Shine In Darkness ¤

Wolves have been long considered by the people of the First Nations of Canada as the symbol of a mysterious spiritual teacher. They are powerful pathfinders who offer wisdomto those who may need guidance to find the way. They are firm in purpose, aggressive, fearless, and like to play with toys just like dogs do.

“A wolf is the pathfinder that guides you through the forest at the darkest hour when you need to make the most of"

The archetypal significance of wolves symbolizes the totality of all of your fears, everything of what you are afraid of in yourself: self-destructive behavior, violence, uncontrolled sex drive as well as positive and spiritual aspects. If in your associations you regard the wolf as a wild dog, then the wolf comesto represent a primitive aspect of your animal instinct. The wolf also serves as a clear example of the union of opposites.

Regarded as negative creatures, evil, and threatening ready to attack you at night, when you are most vulnerable, wolves are friendly, social, and highly intelligent creatures. There is barely a reasonable excuse for describing wolves as wicked. There are fairy tales, nursery rhymes and legends in which wolves are the symbol of death, taking the form of a devouring creature eating up everyone.

The stories of Mother Goose, possibly our first notion about wolves with “The Three Little Pigs” bringing to our conscious the childhood fears, and “Little Red Riding-hood” unwisely talking to a stranger (the wolf). They said the Little Red Riding-hood fairy tale is a bedtime parable to warn of the possible harm of having sex before marriage.

A fable from Aesop's anthology "The boy who cried wolf", about a boy who wanted to draw the attention of his family by calling out "wolf". In time, a wolf confronted him and nobody believed him when he cried for help and the wolf devoured the boy.

The union or marriage of the opposites in the imagery of the wolf we can find a striking demonstration of unlikeness between the masculine and feminine. Examples are the wolf nurturing the twin brothers Romulus and Remus symbolizing the feminine aspect. We can mention Mowgli the human baby lost in the Indian jungle at some point in a tiger attack; he was adopted and raised by a family of wolves. Wolfriders, a clan of ferocious hunter-warriors elves who allied with wolves serve as another example. In addition, we have the Irish legend of Cormac, King of Ireland nursed at the breast of wolves.

The Lord depicts the wolf and the lamb feeding together, (and a lion, like cattle, shall eat straw, and a serpent-dust shall be his food) in the earth to come. Together the wolf and the lamb are a lucid illustration of the coming Government of the Kingdom of God. Isaiah 65:25.

The Chinese traditions consider the wolf as a guardian of a heavenly palace. Likewise, the Japanese have a high regard for the wolf for its tenacity and fierceness. They accept as true that the wolf is from a heavenly realm.

For Clarissa Estes, the wolf is the untamed woman side of females. She implies that wolves and women possess endurance and strength, and are concerned about their children, their mate and their pack. Estes (1992) elucidated her concepts by telling the narrative of La loba, The wolf woman.

"It was women rather than men the ones who first established relationships with wolves" Newmann, 1955, p. 275

A lone wolf, a male in his natural environment symbolizes libertarian energy, and when a wolf is within his pack, it represents a sense of community. The lone wolf will wander hundreds of kilometers in search of his own territory and mate. He will leave the packto wander alone through the forest to mark his own territory, and his find a mate for life and initiate his own pack (family).

When wolves howl is to locate other members of their own clan and to encourage unity, or to celebrate a triumphant kill. The howl also tells other packs to stay away since they are within the limits of a territory that is not theirs.

Wolves do not fight needlessly and often go on their way to avoid an unnecessary fight. Only a grunt, body language, or a gesture is sufficient to express their message, and establish authority. It is very important for the Alpha male and Alpha female to keep the pack working as a team.

Even though the pack is lead by the Alpha male and its mate, each Omega of the pack is a team player assuming the leadership within their own families by training, and taking care of their cubs for the well-being of the pack since it will maintain their unity and survival. They are extremely loyalto their mates and their pack, and have strong bonds with their family, but never give their identity to the pack. They stand for both loyalty and tenacity.

With an extremely well organized society, wolves act in unity to kill a hunt and raise their cubs. They do not mate with their off spring inasmuch as incest is something not permitted, and it can leadto conflict of interest enough to divide the pack. If a wolf appears in your life, watch it, since it may be indicating you where is that you are standing (consciousness).

Characteristics of wolves related to organizational principles are teamwork, patience, unity through uniqueness, curiosity, attitude, failure, communication, perseverance, strategy, play, death and survival, loyalty and change. “The Wisdom of Wolves: Nature's Wayto Organizational Success”, Twyman Towery (1997).

The senses of the wolves are extremely developed. Their intelligence is marked with a high sagacity of smell, taste, and strong feelings. They are determined, clever, stubborn, and use that shrewdness for the benefit of the pack. The howl of the wolf is essential "as a cardinal rule" and penetrating.

Wolves teach those who hold this understanding who they are, and to develop strength and confidence in everything they do. The wolf teaches that we must learn how to trust our wisdom and understanding once we are able to distinguish our inner voice for us to discover our identity and calling.

“A wolf message may provide needed insight and wisdom”

Wolves as a symbol of a wise old man archetype representing inner spirit have the wisdom for the interpretation of symbols and figures of dreams. Wolves represent the boldnessto face situations with courage and dignity, the survival instinct intertwined with intelligence and shrewdness to be above their opponents. Wolves have the skills to exploit changes to their advantage, and go unnoticed in precarious situations where there lives are at jeopardy.

The union of the opposites symbolizes all of this by accepting our purpose or reason for which we exist in the earth.

PS. Watch it with the wolves in sheep's skin!!!!

Topic is being revised

The evolution of an idol

Ancient goddesses were identified with the term Queen of heaven. A few goddesses to mention are Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Artemis Diana, Semiramis, Rhea, etc.

In the fourth millennium B.C. ancient people of non-Semitic origin of Ur Casdimin, and Babylonians were foolish idol-worshipers who offered sacrifices to Ishtar, the mother goddess or Queen of heaven. The Assyrians worshiped the moon as the receptive power in nature. Moreover, Isis, as a moon goddess was the Goddess of the Earth in ancient Egypt.

The worship of the queen of heaven spread from Babylon to the ends of the earth, and this entity was known with different names. Isis was the Mother Goddess of the Osiris cult in Egypt. She conceived a child via immaculate conception. This child was the offspring of Osiris, and he was named Horus. In the fifth century the Roman Catholic Church declared that the birth of Christ to be celebrated on December 25th. Horus the son Osiris was born December 25th.

Nimrod and his mother Semiramis became the main entities of worship as the mother and child and its cult spread to Egypt. When the Romans conquered Egypt, the cult of Isis was taken with them to Rome. By comparing the statues of the Egyptian Isis with the Roman Isis or Fortuna, the two goddess look different; but the Romans kept the trade mark of the Egyptian Isis which is the portrayal of her nursing the infant Horus. This image is the one that soon became an icon of extreme importance to Christianity.

Some of the names of the mother goddess and child are Fortuna and her child Jupiter where worshiped in pagan Rome. Venus and Jupiter are other Roman names for this infamous couple. Ashtoreth/Astarte and Molech/Baal was worshiped in Canaan. Isis and Horus in her lap was worshiped in Egypt. The fertility goddess Diana and the image that came from Jupiter where worshiped in Ephesus, Turkey. Semiramis and Tammuz in Babylon. Cybele and Deonius in Asia. Disa and her child in Scandinavian. in Greece, Aphrodite and Adonis and the goddess of peace Ceres Irene with her child Plutus nursed her breast in Greece. Devaki/Isi and Krishna/Iswara are worshiped to this day in India. The virgin Hertha and her child were worshiped by ancient Germanic people. The holy mother Shing Moo and her child in her arms were revered in In China, Tibet and Japan.

All the names giving to a demon are so confusing as well as all of the names the virgin Mary is known as today. Either way it is the same old idol-religion of the Mother goddess masquerade in the Christian church and its daughters. The Queen of heaven and her cult, names belonging to times long past are still in fashion nowadays inasmuch as the Catholic church has polished and presented it in a clever and contemporary style to the whole universe.

Christianity introduced the worship of the goddess Isis. The transition of Isis from paganism to Catholicism cost next to nothing. For the early church it was a matter of presenting Isis with a new name and new attire. This is how Isis the goddess came to be known as Virgin Mary and her cult has been widely spread since then. What a way to please Isis followers, instead of worshiping the naked statue of Isis they now revere Isis with a new name: The Blessed Mary exalted to be the Queen of heaven wearing splendid garments.

The virgin Mary was declared the "Mother of God" by the Christian church in the 7th century at Ephesus, Turkey. Such a doctrine that the virgin Mary is the mother of God was given by the church was enforced by the power of the sword and fire or else. Soon or later people believed it to be the truth and accepted it as a doctrinal truth. In Ephesus was a temple dedicated to the Goddess Diana the queen of heaven and the image that came from Jupiter.

The Christian Goddess also received the title “Mother of Jesus”. Mary was also named "Queen of Heaven" and "Queen of the Angels". The name Mary is the most recent and loving name given to the ancient demon Isis.

Other names used by this entity are ”The Great Enchantress, Goddess of Magic, the Immaculate, Queen of earth, Ascended Master Mary, Queen of the Gods, Star of the Sea, Goddess of Love, Blessed mother, and Our Lady of Light among others”

The Christian church - the ecclesia - presented the cult of Isis and its revival with the introduction of the Virgin Mary as the Queen of heaven. Now Catholics all over the world worship the virgin Mary.

Mary and Jesus is an exact account of Isis and Horus. Yes, Isis and Horus are in the likeness of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Horus also has a strong resemblance to Jesus in the respect that Horus promised eternal life to his followers through the sacrifice of himself.

“The children gather wood, the parents kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger - Jeremiah 7:18-19

At the time of the prophet Jeremiah, the Jewish exiles that were living in Egypt were worshiping a demonic entity known as Queen of Heaven. Nowadays people worship the virgin Mary the queen of heaven, for the very same reason those people did in Jeremiah’s time. (Jeremiah 7:18-19 /44:17)

The adoration of the Queen of heaven is the reality of the Babylonian cult of Ishtar. It is identified with the goddesses Sekhmet, Hathor, Isis, and Aphrodite. The worship to the Blessed Mother by the Catholics is a continuation of devotion to the various ancient pagan mother goddesses.

God pronounced severe judgment on the people of Judah and Jerusalem because they worshiped "the queen of heaven" (Jer7:17-20; 44:15-19).

Isis is often represented standing on the crescent moon, with twelve stars surrounding her head. And Mary is presented as the "Queen of Heaven," standing on the crescent moon, and her head surrounded with twelve stars.

The following text in the Christian bible is what the Catholic church and its members, the followers of this goddess use to prove that Mary is the Queen of heaven. It shows Mary crowned in heaven. She is wearing a heavenly crown of twelve stars. How much more clearly could the virgin Mary be depicted?

Rev 12:1-5: A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.

The daughters of the Catholic church who are the myriad associations that separated from the Church of Rome during the Reformation and devoted themselves in support or allegiance to the theologies of Luther, Calvin, Nee, and Zwingli, or any other association derived from them have the belief that Revelation 12:1-2 means that God's people on earth is signified by a woman clothed with the sun. They also believe that the sun signifies the Christians of the new testament age. They also add that before Christ came to the world, it was the night of the Old Testament age. And with Christ coming, it was the sunrise, the beginning of the age of the sun.

They also believe that the people of God in the Jewish bible signifies the age of the moon. And the moon under the feet of the woman signifies the age of the moon as the age of the Law, which should not be exalted as stars. The stars, which signify the Twelve Tribes of Israel, God's people, are on her head as a crown. Strange, but they believe that Christ followers, who together consummate this woman, are light bearers. As an inference from this fact, she is the bright woman crowned in heaven.

The child, as a man-child is considered by the protestants as a unit of organization fighting the battle for God and bringing his kingdom down to earth.

A crafty narrative of the woman with a child. What a falsification of the symbols. The church has represented falsely the dream symbols the sun, the moon, and the stars. The sun symbolizes the nation of Israel as Jacob whose name was changed by God as Israel, the moon symbolizes Jacob's wife Rachel, and the eleven stars plus Joseph himself symbolize the twelve tribes of Israel. The following is Joseph’s dream and its symbols will make it understand better.

“Behold, I have dreamed another dream; and behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” And Jacob his father said to him: “Shall I and your mother and your brothers indeed come to bow ourselves to the ground before you?” Genesis 37:9

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, King of the universe

Topic is being written!!!!

The turkey's neck



- En cierta ocasión en lo más profundo de la noche me encontraba
afuera de mi casa y yo estaba mirando atravez de la ventana de mi
- Alguien me pregunto si había perdido las llaves.
- Ssh! Ellos dicen que camino dormido y estoy tratando de
sorprenderme en el acto y así saber si es cierto.

Rosal en flor.

                        Estaba solo en mi camino
                        El la lejanía del verano
                        La hermética luz de la luna
                        Iluminaba tu exótica belleza

                        Todos celosamente dormían
                        Y tu llegaste como poesía
                        Parecías flor de temporada
                        Radiante, y muy adornada

                        Era un ambiente de fantasía
                        Y eras tu a quien yo quería
                        Fue el destino mi aliado
                        Cuando dijiste mi amado

                        Llegaste al jardín preciado
                        Tu ternura me ha cautivado
                        Sin testigos de este romance
                        El rosal en flor nuestro cómplice

                        Con el fuego sereno de tus ojos
                        Me hiciste tuyo a tu antojo
                        Belleza encantadora como una rosa
                        Fragancia deleitable como incienso

                        Luz plateada llena de esperanza
                        Nos has infundido templanza
                        La luna destilo tu nombre divino
                        Y pude ver tu corazón cristalino


Dreaming about a pot

Soñar con una olla

Dijeron nuestros sabios en el tratado del Talmud: Berajot, cap. 9: "Quién sueña con una olla, que aguarde porque la paz será sobre él".

Es porque por ejemplo, si uno desea cocinar carne, no lo puede hacer sin agregarle agua, ya que si no le adiciona agua, la carne se pegará a la olla y se quemará.

Tampoco es posible realizar la cocción sin la olla, pues el agua donde se dispone a cocinar la carne, apagaría el fuego.

Tenemos que la olla hace la paz entre el agua y el fuego, y tenemos que entre ambos realizan la cocción, el agua y el fuego juntos, y todo:

a través de la olla

Por eso, quién ve una olla en el sueño, que espere a la paz que sobrevendrá sobre él, así como la olla hace la paz.

Tomado del libro: Taamei Haminaguim, inianim shonim 64 ©

The King's key -- La llave del Rey

Una anciente profecia que fue olvidada con el transcurso de las edades, narra que un Rey muy sabio antes de partir hacia un lugar lejano, un lugar de ensueños, decidio reunir a su gente para entregarles el conocimiento de algo muy valioso; la fuente de toda la verdad. El Rey hablo con ellos por mucho tiempo y de esa forma el conocimiento les fue transmitido a todos sus sirvientes.

El Rey tambien les encomendo que esa sabiduria la practicasen a diario, en las mañanas y en la noche sin dejar un dia de hacerlo, para que asi a su regreso ellos fueran guerreros diestros y habiles en el manejo de ese arte.

Pasaron muchos años y los siervos olvidaron todo lo que su Maestro les transmitio; y por su desobediencia un velo cayo sobre ellos como si fuese una neblina espesa que oscurecio su entendimiento y razon.

Desesperados, ellos buscavan la forma de recordar ese arte; todo esa sabiduria parecia un sueño borroso pues no entendian los symbolos, el olvido reino en sus espiritus; y hacian muchas cosas con el proposito de recordar las palabras de su Maestro pues ellos sabian que el tiempo se acercava, los symbolos hablavan por ellos mismos, la higuera ya habia florecido, y el verano habia llegado.

O acaso puede la higuera producir granadas, y el granado higos?

Los hombres negaron a su Rey y asi sutilmente comenzaron a buscar respuestas en los astros y en todo lo creado en los cielos y en toda la creacion sobre la faz de la tierra. Miravan el higado, sus oraculos fallaron, todos sus intentos fueron en vano, y desde ese entonces los hombres comieron su pan con una profunda tristeza y gran amargura en sus corazones.

Asi con la perdida de esa llave es como surgio la busqueda de algo ilusorio, la busqueda del quinto elemento, el sueño de los sabios y el temor de los poderosos.

Ellos nunca supieron si la llave era el instrumento, la receta o el metodo para cocinar sus alimentos.

Prohibida la reproduccion total o parcial© sin permiso del autor.

Free cheese 'n daredevil mouse

Not intended to try at home...

Tiger wallpaper

Cuantas cosas

Cuantas cosas
      Por algun lado se que te vas
      Por momentos te siento en el pecho
      Volviendome vivo, rogando que te quedes

      Sera que ya no puedes conseguir mas cuotas de felicidad

      Estas triste llorando buscando mi llegada
      Lavando algun vidrio para que no se vuelva a ensuciar
      Se que aun me deseas pero yo no te deseo
      Por donde comenzar a buscar

      Siempre oculto mis derrotas, y oculto mi mirada
      Te tengo en mis labios, pero no me meto en tus caricias
      Se podria existir asi? o es tanto como mirar al cielo
      Y fingir que no me importas

Cuantas cosas mas
      Aun no se cuando te vas
      Por momentos me sientes dentro
      Volviendome loco, rogando que te vallas

      Ya no supliques mas cuotas de felicidad

      Aun lloras en la espera de mi llegada
      Lavando algun trapo para que no se vuelva a ensuciar
      Se que me quieres pero yo no te deseo
      Cuando comenzaras a buscar

      Siempre finjo mis derrotas, pero ya no finjo mi mirada
      Te tengo en mis brazos, pero nunca me vengas a buscar
      Como puedes existir asi? o no es nada para venir a rogar
      Fingiendo que aun me importas

      Vete ya pues no justificas tu presencia

      Ya no finjo mi desprecio, ni callo mis palabras
      Ahora te sientes arrepentida de tu vida
      Es muy tarde para venir a buscar lisonjas
      Y deja de chillar porque finjo que te creo y vete ya

Mirrors – A Psychological Perspective

Mirrors are fascinating, mysterious and deceiving. It is like having a window to another world. I personally enjoy mirrors, since they make any room to look brighter once the light is reflected, giving the sense of more space and they make me feel content. Every time we gaze into a mirror, we are looking into another dimension, a virtual world to our reach, but not to our understanding. It is a world that is not real; it is an illusion that has no physical existence.

On the other hand, our position towards a mirror give us the illusion of what we are seeing; move closer or just step away from it and we can control the illusion. But indeed do we control this illusion? No, indeed the illusion is controlling us by giving us the false perception of our surroundings and ourselves. It is like having extra eyes to our service. When driving a car, a mirror is a great addition, since it allow us to see what is behind (could we see the past?; it is an illusion that help us to survival. But can we really trust what we see? Just remember mirrors are tricky and their images are only an illusion.

It is amazing how people cherish mirrors and how others despise them. For many women mirrors are a symbol of vanity and pride. These women carry a mirror in their purses and it is a valuable item ~ priceless. But mirrors can have a negative influence for a woman or man who considers themselves as unappealing to the opposite sex.

Not all mirrors are created the same, since each mirror reflects a different image. A woman can look gracefully slim in a mirror, and she can look younger or older, etc. and all of it depends on the mirror she happens to take a glance of herself.

Mirrors may have a lasting and negative effect on those with a low self-esteem image of themselves. This is the mirror we have in our heads, and our perception of the reality depends on which mirror we see the world reflected. Which mirror we choose to view ourselves and others?

Wherever is the insight, mirrors are fascinating and people make up histories, and put a magical and mystical halo regarding this objects. Mirrors have played and important role in literature, history and science.

In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster, a woman with the power to turn people into stone, with just a single gaze of her face. Medusa was a beautiful woman and was raped by Poseidon. Later, Athena turns Medusa into a monster. It is well known how the hero Perseus defeated Medusa only by using a mirror and reflecting her own image and turning herself into stone. Can a mirror show our duality? Can we see our good and evil between ourselves? Mirrors kill, and Medusa was so unfortunate to see her own image reflected in a mirror, and her own evil killed her ~ an illusion that kills.

My grandma used to tell me that mirrors are the antithesis of men. I guess she was correct since a mirror can reflect the harmony of opposites. A mirror is capable to reflect the myth of beauty and ugliness, joy and sadness, life and death; some say mirrors reflect parallel worlds, even light and dark, and it is very true that only darkness can fade the mirror effect. A mirror can not hold forever an image, but it can show it at once and not little by little.

Mirrors are mentioned in the Bible. Those mirrors were made of polished metal such as bronze and silver. In one reference, the Bible tells us that we see obscurely and that we know in part ~ mirrors give us an obscure image.

Mirrors are used in astronomy, and it is how Galileo Galilei using mirrors discovered other worlds, thus changing the way we think about the universe. Galileo used the scientific approach to conduct experiments. His ideas were a bit bold at that time. Galileo observed a situation, which allowed him to develop his theories, and finally, he performed experiments to test his theories. His studies, theories and experiments were revolutionary during his time. Trial and error, and his scientific approach allowed him to disprove previous beliefs oh ancient Greek philosophers ~ mirrors show new worlds.

In literature, it is a subject that inspired many writers. An example is Snow white and the magic mirror. Here, the mirror has magic qualities, has a voice and it is able to speak the truth and carry out a conversation; in Snow white and the magic mirror it is related to beauty. The mirror relates to issues of truth and self deception and vanity ~ mirrors recognizing beauty and ugliness.

Recently the Duke University Museum of Art was offered a highly unusual object for their collection ~ a rare and exquisite obsidian disk from the Pre-Columbian era, probably used for ceremonial purposes. The DUMA obsidian mirror is unusual in that it is highly refined and convex on both sides. It would have been ground and polished by hand using an abrasive substance without metal tools.

Obsidian is a dark, natural glass of volcanic origin, derived from Mesoamerican sites found in Guatemala, El Salvador and the highlands of Central Mexico. Obsidian mirrors as a symbol of power were adopted by Mesoamerican rulers. These obsidian mirrors “granted” them power and divination properties. These magic obsidian mirrors were the medium that allowed them to look into the future and being a direct connection with the realm of their deities. The obsidian mirror was the link between two worlds.

Many ancient depictions survive showing mirrors being worn as part of ceremonial and military costumes, especially by the ruler. The DUMA obsidian mirror of Aztec origin is closely related to the Aztec deity Lord Tezcatlipoca, whose name in Nahuatl language literally means “Smoking Mirror”. Tezcatlipoca was the sun god and the patron deity of warriors, who could also bring fortune. According to legend, Tezcatlipoca’s foot was bitten off by the Earth monster during the battle waged at the time of the separation of the Earth and waters; he replaced it with a serpent and smoking mirror. He also often wore a large mirror on his head or chest, as is known from ancient Mesoamerican paintings (see accompanying illustration from the ancient Codex Borgia for an image of Lord Tezcatlipoca depicted with obsidian disks on chest and foot).

Obsidian mirrors were adopted by Mesoamerican rulers as objects of power and divination, granting them a medium through which they could look into the future and connect with the realm of the gods. Both reflective and translucent, the obsidian mirror was seen as a threshold between two worlds, with the obsidian conceptualized as a membrane or tissue separating this earthly world from the beyond. Many ancient depictions survive showing mirrors being worn as part of ceremonial and military costumes, especially by the ruler.

Obsidian is an igneous quartz used to make the finest tools and weapons in the Stone Age has returned today’s high-tech applications as an ultra pure glass used in fiber optics ~ mirrors for divination. [Duke Magazine ~ September, October 2001 ~ Obsidian Mirror Disk ~ A selection from DUMA.]

Talk to the mirror and rehearse your speech. It is well known that talking with oneself in front to a mirror helps to build self-esteem, self-consciousness and move forward in life. Very inspiring, talk to the person in the mirror and you will learn to love that person in the mirror ~ empowering mirrors.

Mirrors and urban legends is something to ponder about. I dare you to say “candyman” five times in front to a mirror… then, he will appear behind you, breathing down your neck… there is a lot of people that freak out with only the idea of saying it ~ mirrors materializing criminals.

There is an ancient myth that our grandparents believed. It is that the image in a mirror is our actual soul. If you break a mirror, you should expect seven years of bad luck. To break the spell of misfortune, you must wait seven hours ~ one for each year of bad luck ~ before picking up the broken pieces of a mirror, and bury them outside in the moonlight ~ mirrors reflecting our soul.

Liverpool, UK – December 21st , 2005. Psychologists at the University of Liverpool have have found that people still find it difficult to understand how mirrors work. Dr. Bertamini said: “People tend not to understand thet the location of the viewer matter in terms of what is visible in a mirror”. A good example of this is what we call the Venus Effect which relates to the many famous paintings of the goddess Venus, looking in a small mirror. Dr. Bertamini added that mirrors make us see virtual objects that exist in a virtual world; they are windows onto this world. On the other hand we trust what we see, but on the other hand this is a world that we know has no physical existence. This is one of the reasons why throughout history people have been fascinated by mirrors. It is difficult to understand how mirrors work.

The dictionary definition of mirror:
1. a reflecting surface, originally of polished metal but now usually of glass with a silvery,
    metallic, or amalgam backing.
2. such a surface set into a frame, attached to a handle, etc., for use in viewing oneself or as
    an ornament.
3. any reflecting surface, as the surface of calm water under certain lighting conditions.
4. Optics. a surface that is either plane, concave, or convex and that reflects rays of light.
5. something that gives a minutely faithful representation, image, or idea of something else:
    Gershwin's music was a mirror of its time.
6. a pattern for imitation; exemplar: a man who was the mirror of fashion.
7. a glass, crystal, or the like, used by magicians, diviners, etc.

  –Verb (used with object)
8. to reflect in or as if in a mirror.
9. to reflect as a mirror does.
10. to mimic or imitate (something) accurately.
11. to be or give a faithful representation, image, or idea of: Her views on politics mirror
    mine completely.

12. Music. (of a canon or fugue) capable of being played in retrograde or in inversion, as
    though read in a mirror placed beside or below the music.

13. with mirrors, by or as if by magic.
14. Origin:
    1175–1225; ME mirour < OF mireo(u)r, equiv. to mir- (see MIRAGE ) + -eo(u)r < L
    -ātor -ATOR

c.1225, from O.Fr. mireor "a reflecting glass," earlier miradoir (11c.), from mirer "look at," from V.L. *mirare, from L. mirari "to wonder at, admire" (see miracle). Fig. usage is attested from c.1300. The verb. meaning "to reflect" is first attested 1820 in Keats's "Lamia." Used in divination since classical and biblical times; mirrors in modern England are the subject of at least 14 known superstitions, according to folklorists. Belief that breaking one brings bad luck is attested from 1777.

Mirrors reflect a true picture of something else. But, if it is a true image or picture, why as I look at a mirror, everything that is on my right appears to be on my left side, and vice versa, but it doesn’t reverse top and bottom. If mirrors reflect a true picture, why I can’t read the text I have in front of the mirror? Well, I can affirm that the dictionary definition of mirror is not accurate. Mirrors do not reflect a true image of something else. Mirrors only show an illusion or virtual image and this image is deceiving.

Mirrors in our dreams ~ Dreams are Mirrors of growth. Dreams are fascinating and dreams have figured prominently in our cultural, societal, and religious development. Mirrors are complex symbols and in Jungian terms are related to a number of motifs. They symbolize your true self ~ not your ego self ~. The way you see yourself or the way you want others to see you. They can symbolize the intellect, namely, our thoughts or reflections; so looking into a mirror can symbolize reflection in general or, especially, self-reflection or appraisal. It may represent coming “face to face” with an inner worldly issue. What you see may be related to your persona, and a need to strengthen/change it. Zen priests often speak of the inner mirror, which Buddha or god mind, the self in Jungian terms. Seing images in the mirror may be a safer way to consider material from the unconscious, similar to a dream within a dream, an expression of material ready to emerge into conscious awareness. Mirrors symbolize imagination, another link/door between the unconscious and conscious worlds, as Alice goes through the looking glass. In fairy tales mirrors are often magic, connecting us to various aspects of ourselves, as does the mirror in “Beauty and the beast”. They are linked to self aggrandizement, as in the myth of Narcissus and the twin theme. As a reversal, mirror images can be linked to the shadows and to the opposites or opposing forces ~ their battle and their union. [Sandra Thompson, “A dreamer’s dictionary”. P. 379]

Spreading hate? Enzra Lavant and Jonathan Rosenthal debate

Should we have our political or religious views on a test in order to be allowed to have children in Canada?

Lawyers debate the seizure of two children from their home due to fears that their father, an alleged neo-Nazi, was filling their heads and marking their bodies with messages of hate.

CTV Newsnet

Origins of the swastika

Swastika     The derivation of the word

Swastika, Ontario

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski and John Jalsevac

WINNIPEG, July 8, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The bizarre story of a Winnipeg mom who had her children seized last March by Manitoba's Child and Family Services Ministry, after her daughter went to school with a swastika drawn on her arm, has become a focal point for the debate over how much say government should have in how parents raise their children.

Conservative commentators who believe that Canada's courts and governmental authorities are becoming dangerously overzealous in their interference in the affairs of private citizens are condemning the decision to remove the children from their home, despite their parents' public and unapologetic adherence to white supremacist philosophies.

Others have defended the decision, saying that the children were emotionally endangered by the nature of their parents' ideological affiliations.

Manitoba Child and Family Services snatched the children because of "concerns that the parents' conduct might endanger the emotional well-being of the children...and that the children may be at risk of harm due to the parents' behaviour and associations," according to an affidavit from a child welfare worker.

The affidavit also says "there were concerns regarding drug and alcohol use," although recent coverage of the case has put scant emphasis on these concerns.

The mother of the children told CTV last week that she is not a neo-nazi, despite her use of the swastika, and that she is simply proud of her European heritage.

"It's OK to be proud to be a native, it's OK to preach black power," she said, adding, "But when you're white and you're proud, it's wrong."

Manitoba Child and Family Services is attempting to gain permanent guardianship over the children.

On Friday, conservative commentator Ezra Levant sparred against Toronto area lawyer Jonathan Rosenthal in a heated CTV Newsnet debate on the issue.

Levant, who is becoming an increasingly well known figure in Canada, largely for his central role in seeking the eradication or radical restructuring of Canada's human rights commissions, argued that "having odious political views is neither a crime in itself, nor a legal reason to break up families."

Parents' rights to have and raise children as they wish, said Levant, trump the government's beliefs about what children should or should not be taught. "In Canada, everyone has the right to have children," he said, observing, "If we have a political test for the state to break up parents, no-one is safe."

Referring to the swastika drawn on the girl's arm, Levant agreed that it is a powerful symbol of an evil ideology. However, removing children from their home because their parents are alleged neo-nazis, he said, is equivalent to punishing the parents and children for a thought crime.

"[Child Services is] basically saying that there should be a political test now for whether or not you get to keep your children," he argued." You don't have to do anything to hurt them. You don't have to be a bad parent. But if you have the wrong political ideas, you can have your kids taken away as a punishment to you and them."

Rosenthal responded to Levant by arguing that, given that the swastika is a hate symbol that is associated with the massacre of millions of individuals, the children of parents' who allow them to go to school with a swastika on their arms are "in serious need of serious protection."

"A seven-year-old should not be wearing a universal sign of hatred anywhere," said Rosenthal. "And if the parents don't understand that, that's a very dangerous thing. They can have that view, but to put a swastika on a seven-year-old, and to let her go to school, if you don't think that's disgusting sir [Levant], you're very troubled."

Manitoba Child and Family Services guidelines allow child welfare workers to investigate any situation where there is concern for the safety or well-being of a child, including cases involving "religious or political practices...if those practices could be harmful to the child," said Nadine Delisle, communications co-ordinator for Family Services and Housing.

The heavy-handed tactics of various child welfare organizations, often directed at children from religious families, has been documented by LifeSiteNews over the years.

My Victoria - Where are your powers?

  Haste a un lado, Oh my amada!
  Tu no tienes autoridad
  Tu aguijon sera tu caida
  Mi victoria y tu vanidad


Current Mood:   (radical)      radical

Seven layer bars

For those who enjoy cookie bars when feeling like having a good snack, here is a recipe that will satisfy your cravings. These bars are delicious.


1. 1 cup of your favourite nuts (choped)
2. 1 1/4 cup of shredded coconut
3. 8 ounces (2 sticks) of unsalted butter or
     margarine (melted)
4. 3 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
5. 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
6. 2 cups butterscotch chips (12 oz)
7. 1 14 oz. can of sweetened condensed milk
                                                  (Not evaporated milk)


1. Preheat oven (350º degrees Fahrenheit / 180º degrees Celsius)
2. Place melted butter over a 13x9 pan, making sure the sides of the
     pan are well coated.
3. Spreadmbs evenly over the pan. Then layer chocolate chips,
    butterscotch chips, and nuts over crumbs. Pour condensed milk
    over nuts and sprinkle the shredded coconut over condensed milk.
4. Bake in the center of the oven for about 25/30 minutes or until
     lightly golden and set, but not browned.


Rotate the pan once for even cooking.
When done remove it from oven and let it cool over a wire rack for 2 hours approximately.
Remove the bars from the pan and cut it into 2 by 3 inch bars.


Do black homepages save Energy. Is black green?

There is a lot of talk about the concept of saving energy by changing colour to websites and people has began to set black search sites as homepages.

Climate changes makes us wonder what is ahead for us, and people began recycling. We all should do something about it.

There are many custom search pages on the internet that claim that using a black homepage will save a lot of energy. Some of those sites attract a lot of visitors who start testing such "innovation". Many of those sites use Google's custom search engine:     http://www.google.com/coop/cse/
Blakcle is one of those sites using Google's custom search engine (I think Blackle sucks) and claims of millions of Watt hours saved. Other sites with a black background are Nowblack, Google blogspot, and Jabago.

To tell you the truth, black webpages do not save energy. Fact or fiction about the black websites saving energy, for some of us a black website looks more appealing. See what Google has to say about the mith of making the background color of your monitor screen black:

Black Google-Blackle may not save energy

If you wish to find the most efficient PCs available today, search for the words "EnergyStar 4.0 compliant."

Here is a list of some search engines with a dark side...

Nowblack                   http://nowblack.com/

Blackle                       http://www.blackle.com/

Google Blogspot           http://black-google.blogspot.com/

Jabago                        http://www.jabago.com/

Cuil                             http://www.cuil.com/

Darkoogle                   http://www.darkoogle.com/

Some search engines come in colour...

Greenle                 http://greenle.net/

Greyle                   http://www.greygle.com/

Browngle             http://browngle.com/

Pinkle                   http://pinkle.net/

And others are a bit sofisticated... Custom homepage. If you like this page you can buy me drink!

Custom homepage/

Visit The energy saving blog
